Gels, Colour, Lists
After attending several rehearsals over the easter holidays and a few after returning to college, I felt i had a good enough of an idea on what colours i would need for the production. However there was a wide range of colours to choose from as there was more than one red for example. This lead me to look on the Lee filter website to choose my colours. On this website Lee gives you a brief description of the colour and its uses as well as other lighting designers that may of used them on their productions.
From looking at their website I was able to create a wish list of colour I felt would go with the productions style and the creatives ideas. As well as colour that coordinated with each other. This list I was able to save as a PDF which I printed off to show the lead creative. After this meeting I was able to choose the colours that I wanted in the lighting rig and was able to then order them depending on quantity.
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