Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Production Meeting Minutes NO.3

Spring Awakening
Production Meeting #3
Wednesday 30th April, 11:30 – 12:00 PA135

To: L4 & L5 SMTT
Cc: Carly Woodhouse


1.     Action Points
a.     Alisienne – Has ordered the rose petals, Get in touch with Tynemouth Priory about wooden chairs
b.     Marc – Has  record the announcements, has found some chairs at  the People’s Theatre and has photos which he has sent to Carly, to find some music from the 19th century to be used as house music, source a church bell sound effect
c.     Hannah – Email Craig the final ticket information and send out a tech schedule, send the stage plan that was shown in the meeting to Kristy and Carly.
d.     All Crew – Attend rehearsals when available and fill out contact logs.

2.     Rehearsal update
·       Thursday 3pm onwards full run through
·       Friday 10 onwards dress rehearsal in 206

3.     Set / Props
·       The access to the back of the stage has changed and is now an extra piece of 8x 4 and two sets of old treds
·       Trap door to be built by Hannah and Lewis this week
·       Some Twigs and a Cigarette tin (like an Altoids mint tin) has been added to the props list and needs to be sourced

4.     Lights – Any haze? Fire alarm isolation?
·       The preset has now changed as the mirror light is no longer needed.
·       David and Vicki have said that they are happy to focus the FOH truss using the Zargies from Space

5.     Sound
·       Band Placement – after discussions, the idea of putting the band in a studio was decided against and the two options are under the seats and on deck at first floor level upstage right.
It has been decided that the band are going on the deck upstage right
·       The Band includes a cello and a violin which needs to be miked up 
·       Need a booth Mic in the Wing
·       How you doing with other sound requirements?
The Mic Plot and patch sheet is done, the sound effects and house music still need to be sourced
·       Can you have your sound stage plan done for the Tuesday so that Nicky can implement it for you?
The stage Plan will be ready for Tuesday 6th May
·       L3’s recording the show? The L3’s are recording a multi-track of the show
·       The SD9 from the Studio Theatre to go to rehearsals next Friday with the mics

6.     FOH
·       The tickets are ready for sale, go on sale to the public on Friday
·       Programmes were finalised Wednesday 30th April
7.     Schedule
·       Show schedule
The Schedule will be sent out with the minutes, with the change on Wednesday Evening the band is to run through the songs before the cue to cue

8.     Questions

9.     Schedule Next Meeting

·       7th May 2014

Action Points

What /When/ Who?                                                                                                 
Alisienne – to make sure that the leaves and rose petals have been made flame retardant, make sure that all props have been sourced by keeping close communications with Matthew
Marc/ Simon/ Nicky – to source house music and sound effects for Carly to listen too by the next production meeting
Hannah – Build a trap door

Adam – to tape the changes made to the stage plan in the studio 206

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