Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Production Meeting Minutes NO.2

Spring Awakening
Production Meeting #2
Wednesday 23rd April, 11:30 – 12:00 PA135

To: L4 & L5 SMTT
Cc: Carly Woodhouse

Present: Hannah, Adam, Bryony, Alisienne, Jamie, Vicki, Sam, David, Marc, Nicky, Adele, Jessica, Nick, Charlie, Carly

Apologies: Simon, Darren, Chris, Kristy, Lucy

1.     Action Points
·       Charlie pointed out that I made a mistake on the last minutes about painting the deck we need to paint it with black emulsion.
·       Alisienne Leaves have been purchased; Carly has requested 500 petals to be purchased.
·       Adam we no longer need the soil for the set.
·       Marc has arranged to record the announcements on Thursday 24th in Studio 1.

2.     Rehearsal update
·       I have emailed out the rehearsal timetable, the Thursday full run through 4-6
·       Adam to tape out the stage plan in 208

3.     Set / Props
·       Alisienne has created a props list and is working with Matthew from MT to source the props. The wooden chairs that are required, Nick suggested to ask Tynemouth Priory and Marc suggested the People’s Theatre.
·       The Stage plan has changed and is now 20ft wide, 16ft deep and 3ft high with four sets of treds.
·       Carly would like a pit to be used in Act 2, the actors will close it, in order to open the trapdoor a member of the stage crew will be under the deck to open it up. The trapdoor needs to be made w/c28th April
·       Need to make steps for the back of the stage w/c 28th April
·       The leaves are to be stuck down the edges of the corridor and around the door with blue tac and they are to be removed in the interval.
·       Carly is unsure about chalking the deck.

4.     Lights – Any haze? Fire alarm isolation?
·       Vicki discussed her gel colour choice with Carly after the meeting.
5.     Sound
·       The backing tracks are now being replaced with a live band which will be placed at the front of the auditorium instead of rows AA and BB, there are about 6 people in the band.
·       House Music – Carly is deciding between having no music on and having the audience come into silence or having music played from the 19th century.
·       There is now a piano for Act 1 which is to be placed DSR to be removed for Act 2
·       Need Church bells sound effect  for ACT 2 Scene 5 and Act 2 Scene 9

6.     AV
·       There is no AV, full blacks to be used all of the way through the show.
7.     FOH
·       I have spoken to Craig and we have put the show into the system with the ticket prices, Carly has asked if the open dress is going to be ticketed.
·       There are currently no school groups coming to the show.
·       Interval Announcements, an announcement has been added to the programme
·       There will be a foyer announcement made by one of the ensemble standing on the steel table to introduce the show.
8.     Schedule
·       Myself, Vicki and Nicky will be starting the on stage fit up w/c 5/05/14
·       I will send out a draft schedule.

9.     H & S

10.  Questions
·       The MT students would like to do a photo shoot in the studio theatre Friday 25/04/14.
·       Media will be filming the show from the first floor, Marc has suggested to use both Digico’s to record the show. 

11.  Schedule Next Meeting

·       30th April 2014 11:30am-12pm

Action Points

What /When/ Who?                                                                                                 
Alisienne – Order the rose petals, Get in touch with Tynemouth Priory about wooden chairs
Adam – tape out the stage plan in 208
Marc – Record the announcements, to have a look and see if the People’s Theatre has wooden chairs and take a photo to show Carly,  to find some music from the 19th century to be used as house music, source a church bell sound effect
Hannah – Email Craig the final ticket information and send out a tech schedule, send the stage plan that was shown in the meeting to Kristy and Carly.

All Crew – Attend rehearsals when available and fill out contact logs.

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